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When coffee isn't enough and you need an extra shot of music to go with it.
Mondays sucks. Have a quick shot of live music with your coffee to help you get through the day.
Want a review? Send me your stuff !
I'm always on the lookout for new music and new artists - not a critic, not a professional, not a producer but a true music fan who will happily give a listen to your work or your recommendations.
If you feel like I could be into your stuff and you're looking for some feedback, please feel free to contact me. If I like it, I'll try my best to give you a little signal boost from that dark corner of the internet.
Want a review? Send me your stuff !
I'm always on the lookout for new music and new artists - not a critic, not a professional, not a producer but a true music fan who will happily give a listen to your work or your recommendations.
If you feel like I could be into your stuff and you're looking for some feedback, please feel free to contact me. If I like it, I'll try my best to give you a little signal boost from that dark corner of the internet.
What's brewing?
The Last Dinner Party @ Paris, FR
What's brewing?
The Last Dinner Party @ Paris, FR
next gig
Billie Eilish // Barcelona, ES

Just a music fan, who drinks too much coffee
Who I am ?
Well, not her for starters - god forbid I ever use simple earphones. Good chance you'll never know much about me, apart from what you'll be able to read between the lines of those posts. Do you really want to know more than that? Oh well.