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Bowie tribute // Heroes @ SNL50

I still forget that David Bowie is gone most days. Am I still in complete denial of his death? Probably, but I’m fine with it because like a dying black star, his light still shines so bright on us that he will never be truly gone – might not be scientifically accurate but it’s monday so who cares. 

And that’s also why I’ll never not be happy about seeing Bowie tributes here and there, especially when it unexpectedly pops in my timeline for the SNL50 concert. I’ve heard a lot of talk about this performance and not the best one sadly. A lot of whining, a lot of dissing, a lot of artistic direction comments from people who couldn’t even plug a damn light bulb. HA. 

Can the keyboard warriors take a rest for once, sit back, shut up and just enjoy the simple joys music has to offer? 

I know I can, and sure did. And you know who else would have? The man himself. He wouldn’t have given a damn about what you think and would be too busy bopping around with that big bright smile on his face. 

That’s how I started my day actually, smiling ear to ear at it all. David Byrne, St Vincent, Arcade Fire – all connected to the starman in some way. From the unbreakable friendship to the direct musical descendents, that panel of artists were perfect for a Bowie tribute. The joy and respect emanating from their performance was well enough to make it a great one, shining that light a bit brighter for the rest of us.

If Bowie taught me anything it is that you can live multiple lives in one and still be true to yourself. They were true to themselves and they were true to him too. 

Forever missing you David, thanks for still hanging around in a way that will always give us an excuse to dance through the shitstorms. Much love to all who make it possible.

That’s all we need to be Heroes, even on Mondays. forever and ever.

never stop looking
for a sound

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